Mobineko Technical Blog – Vinyl Pressing, Tapes, Mastering & Audio Explained

Vinyl Pressing, Tapes, Mastering & Audio Explained


Filling out a CD order form is pretty straight forward if you’re requesting a standard CD packaging such as a 4pp Retail Ready CD, card wallet, SuperPack, or Bulk/DIY. Below is an order form with the most essential areas highlighted in red squares.

After you upload your audio and artwork to our servers or mail us a master CD, you will need to supply this form completed to, or subsequently printed if you mail a master.

If you’re unsure what a CATALOG number is, please see this link:

Your customer number is assigned in your welcome message and is a word that starts with the letters ‘mv’, such as ‘MVJOHN01’, or ‘MVJASPERECORDS01’.

You are required to enter your phone number for our shipping courier to contact you in case of delivery questions.

Always email support if you have any questions.

Alternately you can download our usa-mobineko_cdshortrun_pricelist-2009 or uk-mobineko_cdshortrun_pricelist-2009 in a spreadsheet format here to fill out yourself!

Mobineko technical blog.


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